Talent Management
Aligning amazing people with great cultures
As a values-based company, our focus is on centering and aligning our company’s values with those that foster a conducive environment for purposeful work. We acknowledge the shortage of skilled professionals in non-advisor roles. Therefore, we strive to identify, encourage, and educate individuals about all potential opportunities within the industry.
What’s Our Approach?
Ensuring that every advisor we collaborate with is aligned with our values and management principles is crucial. We take immense pride in the following aspects of how we operate and find extraordinary people.
- We’re non-advisors who deeply understand the work-at-hand.
- We’re employee-centered and a values-based organization first. We believe centering your business around your employees with common core values is critical for the growth, health, and longevity of a successful business.
- We practice being inclusive through our communication and leadership. As a minority-owned and led firm, we believe it’s important for you to understand all perspectives to give everyone an equal seat at the table.
- We believe in the potential of employees, not their weaknesses.
Frequent Advisor Questions
As a CEO, financial advisor, or COO, the process of hiring can be daunting as there is often pressure to meet tight deadlines while also ensuring that the expectations of the company and employees are met. What are the hiring questions that make you feel apprehensive?
Is my benefits package competitive?
What will my expectations be of them?
What will their expectations be of me?
What systems should they use?
What will their career path be?
Will I be a good leader?
What is the best way to communicate with them?
How do I train them?
What if they do a poor job?
What Are My Talent Options?
We have many options to support your firm with part-time or full-time work. For advisors who need part-time support, we recommend for you to explore Virtual Assistance. For advisors who need hiring and talent management support, check out Fractional Recruiting. Asking yourself these questions will help you navigate your needs.
- 1099 or W-2? Do I need to be in control of my team member in terms of their location, hours, work style? If not, am I able stay compliant based on what their state considers 1099 or W-2?
- Compliant or not compliant? Do I meet the compliance requirements of having a W-2 employee?
- In-person, hybrid, or remote? Do I need my team member to be physically in an office? Why or why not?
- What are my non-negotiables? What are the hard and soft skills that will help or hinder the new hire? Do I have the confidence and resources to train them? Why are these skills my non-negotiables?